CleanApp Mac 5.1.3 Crack Full Version Free

CleanApp Mac 5.1.3 Crack Full Version Free

CleanApp Mac 5.1 Crack Full Version Download

CleanApp is your best choice if your Mac gets more full every day. CleanApp 5 offers insight on how to recover your disk space. CleanApp 5 will help you locate and delete any new files that may be on your hard disk. CleanApp is able to help you remove unwanted software that you may have uninstalled from Mac OS X.

CleanApp Mac

Normaly, only the program package goes to the garbage. This means that there could be multiple documents that you do not know about. Going through them searching or them one by one is time consuming and also an ineffective way of doing this.

CleanApp Mac

CleanApp was one program that made it onto my rival list. However, it didn’t make it to the final article. If you want a Mac as clean and free from rambled files and garbage as possible, I recommend giving CleanApp a shot before you choose to install another Mac Package. CleanApp has a background process that tracks what programs are dumping in your system while you install them. CleanApp will remove any program that is not needed.

It will delete all files and programs you don’t use, as well as junk folders, and other stuff that is wasting your Hard Disk. To ensure that what you’re deleting doesn’t have any effect, you will have the option to create a backup. You can simply restore the backup if you fail. The program Logging also comes with it. This will generate a report that shows you the activity of all your programs during the day.

CleanApp Mac


  • Very helpful for clearing out disk space
  • You can track every component of an uninstalled App


  • Some programs won’t be removed completely
  • Can remove essential shared components among programs

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CleanApp Mac

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